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Dynamic College Speaker

How to Be a Dynamic Student in College

Copyright © 2015 by Ty Howard. All rights reserved.

“If you have enthusiasm, you have a very dynamic, effective companion
to travel with you on the road to Somewhere.”

~ Loretta Young

Are you enthusiastic about college? Are you committed to being successful in college? Are you alive and involved in your college experience? Can you be a dynamic student in college?

Being a dynamic student in college is everything, especially if you are a person with set educational goals and a definite plan to graduate on time and also, if you’re a driven-person with the burning desire to succeed and to become somebody in life. Without enthusiasm, commitment, and constant alive-and-involved follow-through, you will most likely be an average to below average college student at best. And that mediocrity, that lack of confidence, can crumble and derail your college experience and future personal success.

So, how can you become a dynamic student in college? It will take ongoing development. It will take hard work. It will take you deciding and committing to acting dynamically throughout your college experience. Remember, enthusiasm is just the beginning. Here are 15 practical ways to develop and build yourself into a dynamic college student, moving forward.

1) Be Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm sets the stage and energy for a dynamic college student to go after and capture greatness.

2) Be Committed. The results of true commitment are revealed in the outcomes a dynamic student sees at the end of each day.

3) Be Alive. To be alive in college is to be active, inspired, and eager to become whatever positive being and image you hold for yourself in the future.

4) Be Involved. Students who get and stay involved in their college experience create the best relationships, achievements, adventures, and opportunities.

5) Be Accountable. You are the architect of your future, so arrive to all classes ahead of time, turn-in all assignments ahead of time, participate often in classes, participate in campus activities, and graduate on time.

6) Be Ethical. Always do your own work, do not cheat for any reason, and be a model of positivity.

7) Be Proactive. Start and do everything sooner versus later.

8) Be Consistent. Consistency is the best disciplined action for dynamic growth and success in college.

9) Be Time Management Personified. Manage your time best, and you will achieve better grades, better academic and life balance, ongoing educational success, and ultimately graduate as planned.

10) Be Open-Minded. Always be open-minded to learning, doing, and exploring new experiences throughout your college experience.

11) Be Kind. Always interact with others with kindness, for kindness is the dynamic channel to positivity, character, generosity, and healthy relationships.

12) Be Fit and Healthy. Take care of your body, mind and health, and they will be there for you when you need them most; i.e., school work, school projects, study time, exam time, and fun or free time.

13) Be a Leader. Be a leader inside the classroom, on campus, inside the dorm, and in other areas of your life.

14) Be Passionate. Pursue your college education in a driven way that echoes—Passion Is, As Passion Does!

15) Be Happy. Happy people do more, persist more, achieve more, love more, have fun more, and live more vibrant lives.

You are capable of being ‘continuously’ enthusiastic about college, of staying committed to your academic success, and of staying alive-and-involved in your college experience in such a way that you truly become the person that you’re proud of on graduation day.

Go ahead and get busy being a dynamic student in college.


About the Author: Ty Howard,
Mr. Untie the Knots®,
Inspiring and Freeing Optimal Success Daily!

Ty Howard is America’s Untie the Knots® Consultant, and Optimal Success and Passion Expert. He has worked with and spoken to nearly two million college faculty, staff, students, student leaders, student athletes, and higher education association members across the nation and around the world. For information on his programs and services, visit:

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