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Dynamic College Speaker

Four Ways to Better Manage Your Time as a College Freshman by Ty Howard – [ Article ]

Copyright © 2017 by Ty Howard. All rights reserved.
Entering the world as a college freshman can be a very overwhelming time in life. Usually you are away from home, and you are basically on your own to make decisions that will influence the rest of your life. There are a lot of distractions for incoming freshmen that can take one’s attention off the ultimate reason why they are in college in the first place: to get an education.

There are so many new events and people that will suck away a students’ time if they are not aware. Thankfully, there are some techniques that can help you stay focused as you enter the new world known as higher education, freshman year.

1. Have a set schedule to study

Once you have been given your class schedules, a good habit to stay on course is to set a definite time to study. All of your classes may be in the morning or split between morning, afternoon and evening. You need to have a daily block of time to study so you can get a full understanding of what is being taught in each class and reinforce the lessons.

2. Work first then play

One of the biggest time traps is having free will when you are a college freshman. College is not the 13th grade, and that means students are totally responsible for their education. In the college world, professors/instructors do not phone home to setup meetings with parents to discuss students’ progress. It is easy for students to get distracted with parties, social organizations, and recreational activities. These things are there to enhance the college experience, not for them to become a priority. If there is an extracurricular event that you would like to attend, then plan it around your school work and not the other way around.

3. Don’t wait until the last minute

Mastering procrastination can have lifelong positive effects on one’s life. Waiting until the last minute to get your work done creates unnecessary stress. If left unchecked, this can become a bad habit once you enter the professional world. Getting your work accomplished ahead of deadlines can leave you feeling more positive about yourself and your school work in general.

4. Find or create a study group

Another way to manage your time is to find or create a study group that meets regularly at a certain time. Being part of a group like this can push or force you to focus on getting your school work completed in a timely fashion. Also, this fosters learning with your peers and all students involved which will help to increase everyone’s understanding of a given subject.

Using a combination of these four techniques will surely help you to manage your time better and put you on a path for continuous success as a confident and happy college freshman.

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About the Author: Ty Howard,
Mr. Untie the Knots®,
Inspiring and Freeing Optimal Success Daily!

Ty Howard is America’s Untie the Knots® Consultant, and Optimal Success and Passion Expert. He has spoken to nearly two million college faculty, staff, students, student leaders, student athletes, and higher education association members across the nation and around the world. For information on his programs and services, visit:



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