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Dynamic College Speaker

New Year and New Possibilities for You by Ty Howard – [ Article ]

Copyright © 2020 by Ty Howard. All rights reserved.

Happy 2020 New Year to You!

The anticipation for the incoming year is upon us. Reflect on that for a moment.

Are you ready for the New Year and New Possibilities?

As best selling self-help books author Karen Salmansohn would say, “New day. New thoughts. New strength. New possibilities.”

Successful individuals and companies like to seek out and embrace new possibilities. They recognize and take advantage of new initiatives, positive strategies, direction, success habits, written set goals, better health practices, consistent winning results, and growth.

New Possibilities await you…

How can we all better recognize and take advantage of future possibilities? Let’s start with four simple steps:
• Picture
• Accept
• Plan
• Act

Picture what could be and the outcome.

Reflect on what it would mean to take advantage of the possibilities around you. From this day forward, I want you to think about the possibilities in front of you in 2020 — and beyond. Is there a new idea you’ve had but have not yet shared with your family, close friends, or work team? Do you want to go back to college or complete a certification program? Do you want to start a new business or write a book? Would it make you happy to achieve a level of better health and wellness? Are you thinking of a potential career change or a possible new job? Has someone invited you to join a Meetup community group or business networking group? Do you see opportunities for growth and advancement in your life soon?

If any of these possibilities could lead to a significant outcome, move them from future opportunities to new set written goals. Big picture thinking can lead you to vibrant and worthwhile living.

Accept all details and responsibility for your renewed vision.

It’s been said, “If you can see it, you can achieve it.” First, you must accept the details, tasks, and hard work ahead of you as a part of the process. Four words to make a fixed part of your vocabulary and mindset for continuous motivation in 2020 are Focus, Commitment, Consistent, and Resilience.

Choose to do whatever it takes in both a positive and healthy way to help you see, accept, and believe in your big picture of possibilities.

Plan your journey.

Now you have to create a Personal Plan of Action. At the start of each day, week, or month, take time to write out, update and create your ‘A’ Game Plan. Do not be afraid to think big and often. Record and capture the outcomes, too. List all the many opportunities, possibilities, and required tasks you see before you. Write it all down in bold, fearless, and vivid detail.

Share your goals and your plan with an accountability partner and ask this person to help keep you committed and on track to achieving all of your set written goals in 2020.

Now take focused, consistent, and resilient action.

At the start of each day, week, or month be consistently intentional as you execute your ‘A’ Game Plan.

• Work fearlessly hard. Do what is required to accomplish each required task and new goal with enthusiasm and passion

• Imagine continuous success. Write down the action steps needed to succeed

• Never quit or give up on you. Highlight an immediate action step you can take to start your journey and courageous adjust (scale down or up) action steps wherever needed so you can stay the course.

An ocean of possibilities awaits your purpose-driven efforts. Go for it—make yourself proud of you this year.

The opportunities and possibilities for future growth and success are everywhere for you in 2020 — and beyond. You do not have to reinvent the wheel, believe in yourself, and trust your talent, commitment, and abilities as you capture new success and true greatness going forward.

The entire InspiraGen Institute Team Wishes You, Your Family, and Place of Work a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

– End –

Hi! What is one thing you plan to achieve in 2020 to show you pursued and captured a new possibility? Please feel free to share your one goal or personal action item by commenting below. Thank you in advance for sharing.

About the Author: Ty Howard, Mr. Untie the Knots®,
Inspiring and Freeing Optimal Success Daily!

Ty Howard is America’s Untie the Knots® Consultant, and Optimal Success and Passion Expert. He has spoken to nearly two million college faculty, staff, students, student leaders, student athletes, and higher education association members across the nation and around the world. For information on his programs and services, visit:

Motivational Speaker on Personal and Professional Development Ty Howard from Maryland



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